Tuesday 17 September 2024

Words to live by

We try our best.

Monday 16 September 2024


"If there was one thing I had never been, it was mysterious, and if there was one thing I had never done, it was not talk."

Shamefully overlooked by what laughingly passes for "the media" these days, 100 years ago today a true legend [although she hated the term] was born - Miss Lauren Bacall.

All hail!

"If goodness is its own reward, shouldn't we get a little something for being naughty?"

"Growing up takes longer than you think."

"Looking at yourself in a mirror isn't exactly a study of life."

Such a gloriously beautiful and charismatic woman - her image is destined to live forever.

And she appeared to be a fun person, too!

Lauren Bacall (born Betty Joan Perske, 16th September 1924 – 12th August 2014)

Friday 13 September 2024

This weekend, I am mostly dressing casual...

...like today's birthday girl, Miss Gladys George! Not bad for 120.