Monday 26 December 2011

On the jukebox over Xmas...


  1. Where on earth did you get these amazing LP covers Jon? Very amusing. I thought I'd investigate your blog seeing as you've been active in looking at the Holkham garden blog that I write. If you collect interesting things like these I think you'll love Grayson Perry's exhibition at the British Museum. It's on until February and worth the visit (oh! are you in the UK?) I've a short film of it on my art blog at www.sandrarowney.blogspot
    GP is a trannie which makes it even more interesting.

  2. I did see the BBC's "Imagine" feature on his exhibition "Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman", and it does look intriguing. I may go... Jx

  3. Go on, spoil yourself, its worth it I promise. I've just found his blog...written from the point of view of his teddy bear, Alan Measles, on a posterous blog.


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