Monday 23 June 2014

Strike a pose!

"As an artist, Fosse was known for his thoroughly modern style, a signature one could never mistake for anyone else's. Snapping fingers are omnipresent, so are rakishly tilted bowler hats. Both hip and shoulder rolls appear frequently, as do backward exits. Swivelling hips and strutting predominate, as do white-gloved, single-handed gestures. Fosse himself often called the en masse amalgamation of these moves the "amoeba", and that word as much as any describes his particular style, at once fluid and angular."

"In today's world, everything seems like some sort of long audition."

"If you think you can do better, then do better. Don't compete with anyone, just yourself. When you are in trouble or have a dilemma, ask yourself, "What's the important thing?". And when you wake up in the morning, ask yourself how you can be a better person, not just a better performer."

"Live like you'll die tomorrow, work like you don't need the money, and dance like nobody's watching."

"I would never discriminate against someone's talent because they showed the poor taste to like me."

Robert Louis “Bob” Fosse (23rd June 1927 – 23rd September 1987)

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