Sunday 20 August 2017

Eternal Yootha

There was, and will ever be, only one Yootha Joyce, who would have been 90 years old today...

As I said five years ago on the occasion of her 85th anniversary: "We miss her".

We still do.

Yootha Joyce (20th August 1927 – 24th August 1980)


  1. Yootha was such a great character actress and comedienne. UK'S Man about the House, we never got to see it in the USA, we had its rip-off Threes Company.
    So sad about her demise, she deserved better. -Rj

    1. She was fabulous! Jx

      PS there were so many rip-off versions of British comedies Stateside in the 1970s and 80s. What was so wrong with showing the originals?! Far superior.


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