Sunday 31 January 2021

Golly, gee, fellas! Find her an empty knee, fellas!

A centenary to celebrate today, dear reader - our Patron Saint of "Raspberries", Miss Carol Channing. All hail!

Carol Channing once said that she hoped to die like David Burns, her original co-star in Hello, Dolly!, who got a big laugh in 1971 in a tryout of the musical 70 Girls 70 in Philadelphia and then keeled over onstage while the laugh continued.

“The audience didn’t know there was anything wrong, you see,” she said. “He died hearing the laugh build. I can’t think of a better way to go.”

She may not have gone in exactly that way, but she should have been assured that her audiences loved her, right to the end.

Read my own little tribute to her when she died.

Carol Elaine Channing (31st January 1921 - 15th January 2019)


  1. Nobody could say Raspberries like her !
    All Hail Indeed
    She was just adorable.

    1. She was unique. There'll never be another.

      "Jam tomorrow, jam yesterday, but never ever jam today!!!"


  2. I can see how one would want to go out like David Burns if you were an Entertainer. Channing had such a Joyful countenance, and that Smile.

    1. She exuded joy - and by all accounts, it was genuine! Jx


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