Thursday 3 February 2022

The name's Blaise...

RIP Modesty Blaise aka Monica Vitti (born Maria Luisa Ceciarelli, 3rd November 1931 – 2nd February 2022).

Yet another spark of brightness departs for Fabulon, and the world is that much duller for it...


  1. Wow... that does not seem possible. Amazing how film can forever preserve someone in the minds of the general population. She will always be forever young. Lovely tribute, dear. Kizzes.

    1. Truth be told, I have never seen Modesty Blaise (just as well, reading all the dire reviews out there on the web) - and have likely never knowingly seen Signorina Vitti in anything - but the imagery is iconic... Jx

  2. Having been a fan of the Modesty Blaise comic strip and of Peter O'Donnell's books I eagerly watched the movie when it came on TV. It stunk. But the actress is not to blame; the sorry script and directing was to blame.

    1. Neither Joseph Losey (modern melodramatist) nor Harold Pinter [yes! the Harold Pinter wrote the script] were ideal choices for a film that should have been an Avengers-style romp. As one critic rightly said: "...just because Pinter was a great playwright doesn’t mean we have to give him a pass for everything he did." Jx

      PS Welcome, Theresa!

  3. And a man I adored when I was a teen, Dirk Bogarde, was in this cock-a-mamy crap-shoot.
    No, I do not know how to spell cock-a-mamy and don't think it warrants a google-y

    1. We still adore him now! [We even have a copy of Dirk Bogarde Sings in our CD collection...] Jx

      PS Terence Stamp was none too shabby in his day, either.


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