CAMP: "A cornucopia of frivolity, incongruity, theatricality, and humour." "A deadly, winking, sniggering, snuggling, chromium-plated, scent-impregnated, luminous, quivering, giggling, fruit-flavored, mincing, ice-covered heap of mother love." "The lie that tells the truth." "Ostentatious, exaggerated, affected, theatrical; effeminate or homosexual; pertaining to or characteristic of homosexuals."
...a "Say Something Hat Day"! Don't you?
Rossy de Palma agrees.
[It's forecast to hit 39C/102F in London today, so we'll need that sombrero..!]
...like the stunning Art Deco icon, Olga Tschechowa, star of the original (silent) version of Moulin Rouge!
Paris Couture Week 2022 was a "happening". Again.
[from top left: Alexis Mabille, Filippo Fior, Gaultier, Iris Van Herpen, Julien Fournié, Schiaparelli, Yuima Nakazato, Gaultier again - click any pic to enlarge]