Thursday 17 October 2024

Razzle Dazzle no more

It is with tears in our eyes that we bid a fond farewell to our beloved Patron Saint of Bugle Beads Miss Mitzi Gaynor, who has razzle-dazzled her way off to Fabulon today.

The star to end all stars, she shimmied, shook and high-kicked her way through myriad musicals, TV specials and award ceremonies in her long, long career - her screen legacy includes such classics as My Blue Heaven, There's No Business Like Show Business, Anything Goes, Les Girls and, of course, South Pacific. We are going to miss her terribly!

RIP, Francesca Marlene de Czanyi von Gerber, aka Mitzi Gaynor (4th September 1931 - 17th October 2024)

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