Saturday, 15 February 2025

Queens at play

RIP, the beauteous Geneviève Page, who has departed for Fabulon, aged 97.

I wonder who won that card game, her or Sophia?


  1. By her expression, Sofia must have the cards of a royal flush. :)
    Sad to see another great go on to the great stage above, another star for the heavens.
    Genevieve Page had quite a career, and like many in film, not well known as other actors. Fabulon is getting full, I hope there is room left when I depart.

    1. Sophia cheated!

      As for Fabulon - I imagine there might be a place for a handmaiden or a safety gay or two... Jx

  2. A wonderful actress and a lovely photo to send her of to Fabulon.


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