Saturday, 22 August 2015

What a beautiful Pussy you are, you are

"I'm told leather drives men up the wall. I like wearing it because it because it feels nice."

"Sex scenes - they were more powerful in the Sixties because they were all about suggestion. Now nothing is left to the imagination, everyone humps everyone else, all over the place. I find that boring, frankly."

"Pussy Galore. Ah yes. That name. Not exactly a great leap forward for feminism, was it? I know. The problems I had in America. They couldn’t even bring themselves to say it."

"One does always have to make some effort and I would in any case because I value my person. I don't want to look like an old bag."

Happy 90th birthday to Miss Honor Blackman (born 22nd August 1925)


  1. oh...I was thinking there would be pix of pretty pussycats...never mind.

    1. Miss Blackman is as close to "pussy" (of any kind) I'll ever get. Jx

  2. How the Brits got the name Pussy Galore past American censors in those days is astounding. As Ms. Blackman said she couldn't get people to say it. -Rj

    1. The Bond franchise was all-powerful, even then - censors had no chance. Jx


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