Monday 16 May 2016

"It's Lacroix, sweetie." "I love it!"

You want colour? He uses lots. Patterns? Several in one garment. Accessories? More, more, more..!

M Lacroix, the idol of the catwalks (and of Edina Monsoon) is 65 years old.

Many happy returns, Christian Marie Marc Lacroix (born 16th May 1951)


  1. Who said less is more? Less is exactly less, more is divine I say.

    1. "More is better than nothing, true
      But nothing's better than more, more, more
      Nothing's better than more!"

      I'm with Madonna. And Lacroix. Jx

  2. ::gives up on doing anything this afternoon and heads to YouTube for Ab fab clips::

    Thanks, Jon!

    1. “The mood for the next edition: Sex, bitch, aristo, sex, punk, whore, bitch, prossie, lessie, punk, tart, slut. Oh but Alex… Alex,with lovely shoes.”

      Enjoy! Jx


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