Monday 12 December 2022

An apposite musical moment

What Power art thou,
Who from below,
Hast made me rise,
Unwillingly and slow,
From beds of everlasting snow?

See'st thou not how stiff,
And wondrous old,
Far unfit to bear the bitter cold.

I can scarcely move,
Or draw my breath,
I can scarcely move,
Or draw my breath.

Let me, let me, Let me,
let me, Freeze again...
Let me, let me, Freeze
again to death!



  1. Replies
    1. If Mr Grey had donned Space-Age-meets-Bauhaus monochrome plastic outfits, of course. Jx

  2. I can't help but find it funny that his "futuristic hair and makeup" is very on brand for 14th Century Japanese Noh theatre. The singing too as it was common for men to play women in the theatre for centuries in Japan.

    1. Not sure how much Mr Nomi intentionally borrowed from Japanese sources, as opposed to those of his native Germany - the Triadisches Ballett at The Bauhaus, and the castrati countertenor style popularised during the Baroque era of opera. Jx

  3. I always thought he and Phillip Glass would have made marvelous music together. Laurie Anderson and Nina Hagen, too. Such a pity he returned to his home planet much too soon. Thank you, dear. You awoke a neuron with this one. Kizzes.

    1. I'm certain, had Mr Nomi had his allotted span on this planet, he would have gone on to do some even more magnificent things. A great loss.

      As for Nina Hagen, the poor dear's gone a bit "hippy-drippy" of late, but we still adore her "Punk" era and, even more surprisingly, her take on Big Band music from a couple of decades ago... Jx

  4. Replies
    1. Agreed - he was recognised as such by the finest connoisseurs such as David Bowie, and was part of the coterie of avant garde NY artistes that included Joey Arias, Keith Haring, John Sex and Jean-Paul Basqiat. Jx


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