Tuesday 4 July 2023

The Sweetheart of Spain

Another day, another classic diva has departed for Fabulon - Señorita Carmen Sevilla, one of Spain's most glamorous and popular screen stars. In her heyday in the 1950s and 60s she was often compared to that other glittering and photogenic icon Ava Gardner, and she went on to sustain a career that spanned seven decades.

According to her obituary in The Independent:

Admirers nicknamed her “La novia de España,” the bride or sweetheart of Spain, and her fans included Pope John XXIII, who sent a congratulatory telegram when she married composer and conductor Augusto Algueró in 1961, at a wedding ceremony that reportedly attracted tens of thousands of people to the plaza outside the cathedral in Zaragoza.

In later years she carved a niche in prime-time television, often being called upon to see in the New Year celebrations.

And she was a fabulous singer, to boot:

RIP Señorita Carmen Sevilla (16th October 1930 - 27th June 2023)


  1. Diva un firmament espagnol, Carmen Sevilla etait unique en son genre.
    Elle etait l'incarnation de l'Espagne. *d'Anjou

    1. Spain - and the world - has lost a(nother) truly great talent. Jx


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