Wednesday 26 June 2024

A Cinematic Chameleon

Meryl Streep is 75 years old?! Gulp.

All hail!


  1. Gulp is right!!! How cool is that picture. Such a versatile actress and many a good part. I once read an article that when she enters a set to do a movie, she tells her co-stars upon meeting that that's the last time she walked like herself. She really gets into the characters and will not break them. Anne Hathaway said she was down right nasty and mean to her on the set on Devil Wears Prada. But it was because Meryl refused to break character.

    Still hard to believe she did the tacky yet campy romp with Roseanne Barr..She Devil. Thanks heavens for Meryl and Linda Hunt...saving it from a compete bomb.

    1. She is amazing - although I do remain cynical about "The Method". As Sir Laurence Olivier said to Dustin Hoffman, when the latter was getting himself in a tizz about his character in Marathon Man: "My dear boy,, why don’t you just try acting? It's far easier.”

      As for The Life and Loves of a She-Devil, you should try and find the original BBC TV adaptation starring Julie T. Wallace, Patricia Hodge and Miriam Margolyes. That was good! Jx

    2. Can't improve on perfection. I watched the whole of that when I was pregnant. Though there was a great Afternoon Drama version of it Radio Four a few years ago. Got loads of complaints!

      Who did that picture? Have they done any other great actresses? I would put all of Kathy Burke's characters together

    3. I have no information on the artist, I'm afraid. Jx

    4. That's a pity. It's a great tribute to her

  2. One of my favourites with Meryl is Heartburn...but then again it also had Jack Nicholson in it, who I seem to love in anything. Anyhow, their combo was a winner with me.

    1. Not heard of that particular film, but she was brilliant in so many roles it's hard to pick one. Jx


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