Tuesday 18 June 2024

Ba da ba da da da da da da no more

Farewell Anouk Aimée, one of the most beautiful women ever to appear on screen.

[Read my previous tribute]

RIP Nicole Françoise Florence Dreyfus (aka Anouk Aimée, 27th April 1932 – 18th June 2024)


  1. Adored her!!! I tend to agree...quite possibly the most beautiful woman to ever Grace a screen...big or small. She was one of my guest not long ago for my In three Words post. Impossible really. Three Words?

    1. I remember!

      Indeed, three words would never be enough... Jx

  2. She really is - was - stunning!

    I saw the post title and immediately thought this would be about Dario G and Dame Shirl as I was just listening to them "Ba da ba da da da da da da-ing" at your other place.

    1. They're dropping like flies at the mo - even if from completely different ends of the spectrum!

      Needless to say, there's room here at Dolores Delargo Towers for appreciation of both Dario G and Mlle Aimée... Jx

  3. A very handsome woman indeed, pure class

    1. Class that is sadly lacking in so many of our current clutch of screen "stars"... Jx


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