Friday, 22 June 2012

Racing Ladies, pt 2

The belle of the ball of Royal Ascot every year is the lovely Mrs Florence Claridge.

A veteran of the event for more than 25 years, Mrs C has been adopted as a form of "unofficial mascot" of the races - dressed as she always is by the maestro of big eye-catching hats David Shilling (whose mother Gertrude was a fixture of Ladies' Day for many years until her death in 1999).

Let us just stand back and admire this amazing woman and her oustanding headgear...

"It's Ladies' Day, isn't it? You have to stand out." is Florence Claridge's motto.

I think she succeeds!

David Shilling


  1. Stands out, over, up, across......

    1., out and shake it all about! Jx

  2. Lovely post!!!!!! I just love her and her style of hats they are fabulous!!!!! Not to be blunt, but I think I came!

    1. Heavens - that's the strangest erotic fantasy I've heard of for a long time... Jx

  3. Princess Beatrice, eat your heart out.

    1. She looks like Merril Osmond now - imagine what she'd look like at Florence's age! Jx


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