Friday 30 October 2020

This weekend, I am mostly dressing casual... the early 20th century's answer to Ariana Grande*, opera diva Miss Geraldine Farrar!

*At her final performance on 22nd April 1922, the New York Times noted:

Geraldine Farrar has gone and the "Gerry-flappers" are disconsolate.

The flapper claque, as ardent a group of worshippers as ever paid tribute to their idol, wept and shouted at their Gerry, strung banners across the orchestra pit over the heads of the audience and flapped generally and unrestrainedly. After the last curtain they flocked to the street. Ecstatic debutantes and “sub-debs” perched on fire escapes with bouquets and strings of ribbon, ready to shower their idol when she appeared. They shrieked and waved when she came around the corner At last, the automobile party forsook the rope and shot up Broadway at the head of a trailing procession of Gerry-flappers two blocks long.

There is nothing new under the sun.


  1. I wasn't familiar with her so thank you toots!! Buy if i wore that many layers, my houseboys would give up.

    1. She premiered Puccini's Suor Angelica, apparently. I just can't picture her as a nun, somehow. Nor you, for that matter. Jx

  2. Ocelots and leopards and cheetahs, oh my!

    1. She's positively swathed in dead things - how very Hallowe'en... Jx


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