Tuesday 15 November 2022

Bolly, Stolly, sweetie, darling?

Good grief. I missed a significant cultural anniversary last weekend!

The first episode of Absolutely Fabulous, otherwise known as The Campest Programme Ever, appeared on our screens on 12th November 1992.

Happy 30th birthday, sweetie, darling!

An inpiration.


  1. Christ! You scared me! I thought one of them had died! Clearly, it was just a bottle too many of Bolly or Stolly. Whew!

    1. Bless. 2022 has been another bad year for losing "national treasures". Thank heavens it's neither Eddie nor Pats. Jx

  2. Simply adore. And the further away we get from its origins, the more classic it becomes - like Are You Being Served? - I like antiques. Say, I just noticed you have Jean Daniel Cadinot listed to the right. He had some classics, too. Sadly, we can't purchase them stateside because, well... underage or something of that nature. Sigh. I do remember renting them... and being astounded. The one in Venice! I never enter a bakery without thinking of it. Kizzes.

    1. I'd say that Ab Fab and Are You Being Served? were already more than miles apart, myself.

      As for Cadinot, I doubt his "models" were any more "under age" than William Higgins's' were! JD was just much more "arty". We have his entire back catalogue, and even paid a pilgrimage to his HQ/studio in Paris last time we were there, in - gulp - 2006, two years before he departed for Fabulon... Jx

  3. Just last week I was watching "best of Ab Fab" video clips on YouTube but honestly, it's ALL "best of."

    1. There were very few "off" moments in the whole of Ab Fab - series, specials or the film. The Last Shout almost got a bit tawdry, but then - that punch! Jx

  4. Fortunately for my time management, only one episode is available on iPlayer and it's "France". Yay!!!

    P.S. Like Dinah, I also thought one them had died. Don't DO that!

    1. One of the best!

      The last mosquito that bit me had to book in to the Betty Ford Clinic."

      "It's the horrible realisation that I must have enjoyed playing ping-pong."


  5. 1992!! I love that series - and 'France' is one of the best episodes - though you're right, every episode is the best episode! I need to watch it all again now.

    1. It's sure to be available on BritBox or something like that, if you're prepared to pay... Jx

  6. The scene of Edina and Patsy in the back of the car, and Edina says to Pats about giving up drinking, to which Pat's replies, the worst 8 hours of my life. I couldn't agree more. And the scene of them in wine country fits me and my friend Kim to a t when we are in Napa Valley. Thank heavens we hire a car service. Absolutely fabulous is one show I never tired seeing. And how classic that Kate O'Mara was cast as Patsy's sister Jax. I would love if they had utilized her a little more from time to time.

    1. Well, let's face it, "Pats" did kill "Jax" while she was trying to poison her in hospital - and "Pats" treated it as a Christmas present to herself. Ab Fab never did pull any stops... Jx

  7. 30 Years ago and they are still our role models till this day !


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