Sunday 26 November 2023

No better than I should be

It's a centenary today, dear reader - that of our eternally-revered matriarch/battleaxe/mainstay of the UK's favourite soap Coronation Street Elsie Tanner, aka Pat Phoenix!

Elsie Tanner quotes:

  • (about Ena Sharples): "That woman's tongue. If it was a bit longer she could shave with it."
  • "I've left home so many times me suitcases pack themselves every time I whistle."
  • "You know, they used to call us good time girls... well, we did have a good time, and a damn good time at that"
  • "Burglars in Coronation Street? It's like robbin' the blind."

"I was one of the first anti-heroines - not particularly good looking and no better than I should be."

Pat Phoenix (born Patricia Frederica Pilkington, 26th November 1923 – 17th September 1986)


  1. Some great photos a great Woman. The BBC's 'The Road to Coronation Street' 2010 captured her well.
    She was my Hero and Icon since I was a child.
    I have saved the video and look forward to watching it later. Julie Goodyear certainly gives it a good kick-off.

  2. She almost makes me want to take up smoking.

    1. Nicotine was the making of many a matriarch! Jx


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