Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Oh, to be a fly on the wall - #943 in a series...

Romy Schneider and Sophia Loren

Jayne Mansfield, Liza Minnelli, Mitzi Gaynor, Kaye Ballard

Edith Piaf reading the palm of Django Reinhardt

Ramon Novarro and Robert Montgomery

Divine makes her thoughts known on the Trumps


  1. Divine knew, she knew shit when she saw it, smelled it and tasted it ! :)
    Rich white trash with no class, class is bred not bought.

    1. If only she'd lived - imagine Divine as President?!! Jx

    2. Occasionally I do wonder about Elon Musk

    3. With a wig and a spangly frock growling songs about sex? A terrifying thought... Jx

  2. Artists attract one another.
    Romy and Sophia, opposite ideals of sexy ladies.
    Their coiffures and dresses tell all: Liza, Mitzi and Kaye up to date with the times of the late 1960’s, Jayne still clinging to the great times of the past she had in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. ( the dear church would not let Jayne perform in Ireland, just watch YouTube videos of her interviews regarding the controversy, she was sweet, very well spoken and not so dumb)
    Edith and Django, music soul mates of their time.
    Ramón and Robert, someone’s trying to make the next move.
    And divine Divine, her face says it all then as we all feel now
    -Rex in DC

    1. Every picture tells a story, indeed! Jx

      PS Jayne was indeed - like Marilyn - brighter than the image she portrayed. She even read Shakespeare! Jx

  3. Love this series.
    Divine is just perfect but the photo of Ramon Novarro and Robert Montgomery is my fave. The body language says it all.

    1. Oh, to have seen the rest of the photos of that "encounter"! Jx


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