Wednesday, 1 January 2025

That face

"I love that face, that face, it just isn't fair
You must forgive the way that I stare
But never will these eyes behold a sight that could replace
That face, that face, that face."

In a final flourish of attention-grabbing - surely what her entire tragic, plastic-surgery-enhanced existence was all about - the final entry in 2024's "Book of the Dead" has departed for the "Beauty Salon Reject Area" of Fabulon. RIP, Miss Jocelyn Wildenstein (née Jocelyne Périsset, 5th August 1940 – 31st December 2024)!


  1. She was always stunning before her obsession with the knife....what a shame.

    1. I'd love to know what she actually saw in the mirror... Jx

  2. I find it rather sad but it was her life and I hope it made her happy.
    I also hope that she is being cremated rather than buried as extreme Toxic Hazardous waste is best disposed of by Incineration rather than Landfill.

    1. One has to be so careful with single-use plastics. Jx

    2. You pair crack me up. Which is a dangerous thing, considering that it may cause fault lines in my face.

  3. It’s such a shame — parts of her were so young…

  4. This is what happens when the mirror lies. Mine has been telling me BS for years!

    1. Her mirror wasn't so much lying, as involved in a web of corruption and fraud! Jx

  5. By Crikey! She ended up looking like a Muppet/Spitting Image puppet.


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