Monday 28 December 2020

Do I hear a Waltz?

Scandalous goings-on in the film Wonder Bar (1934).

Boys will be boys, indeed...


  1. WOO HOO! and I recognized al jolson without the racist blackface.

    1. A complex man who was (despite the blackface routines) popular with just about everybody in his day, regardless of race. Judging him by today's standards ignores the proactive steps the man took to promote black music, easing the way for many artists in his preferred off-duty haunts in Harlem to hit the mainstream, and refusing to allow Cab Calloway anything less than joint billing when they played together. I found this article from the LA Times that tries to ameliorate his reputation a little.

      Regardless, that clip from Wonder Bar is hilarious! Jx

    2. Nice to find out what he really looked like, though!

  2. Replies
    1. Sometimes they tell a story almost better than a video clip can... Jx

  3. That was lovely! And very funny.(But I'm stuck with a Mammy earworm!)

    1. I'd walk a million miles
      For one of your smiles

      Apparently. Jx


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