Friday 26 March 2021

The higher the hair...

Today's birthday girl Miss Diana Ross (born 26th March 1944)

Simone Signoret (25th March 1921 – 30th September 1985), whose centenary it was yesterday.

Fanny Ardant (born 22nd March 1949)

Aretha Franklin (25th March 1942 – 16th August 2018)

Gloria Swanson (27th March 1899 – 4th April 1983)

Kelly Le Brock (born 24th March 1960)

Pearl Bailey (29th March 1918 – 17th August 1990)

Chaka Khan (born 23rd March 1953)

Sarah Vaughan (27th March 1924 – 3rd April 1990)

It's Diva Season!


  1. What a marvelous collection. Ms. Ross looks like she about to have a diva fit! And who would blame her. So many beauties here. Chaka, Pearl (stunning), Simone and the incomparable Miss Sarah. But the winner here is Gloria. That woman must have had some patience... because all her looks from those early days? That's a lot of work.

    1. Miss Ross is renowned for her "diva strops"! And yes, Miss Swanson was uniquely beautiful and photogenic - a living Art Deco artwork, indeed! Jx

    2. She was funny, too, people don't mention how funny she is as Norma. I didn't know she started out as a comedy actress at Mack Sennett but it makes sense. No Diana Ross does not look happy.

    3. I never really thought of Sunset Boulevard as being a bundle of laughs... Jx

  2. oh my, such wonderful talented women here!

  3. Help! Help!! I got caught up in a bouffant and can't find my way out!

  4. Nothing but Hair Hoppers every one of them !
    Fab thought

    1. "Tracy's flamboyant flip is all the rage, Ms. Edna. Jackie Kennedy, our First Lady, even rats her hair."

      Aretha's hair is well-and-truly ratted. Jx


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