Sunday 23 May 2021

You will obey

Many happy returns, Alexis Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan Morell Dame Joan Henrietta Collins (born 23rd May 1933).

All hail!


  1. that first GIF - I'd like to say that to anyone who has pissed me off the past 5 years!

    1. I might just get it printed on a t-shirt. Save the middle-man. Jx

  2. I always liked her... until Dynasty. Could not stomach that show. Before? The lady worked. Hard. She took whatever was handed her and did some marvelous turns. Her softcore late '70s films are so much fun. As are her early '70s horror films. Thanks for the memories. Kizzes.

    1. I believe it was Liz Taylor who referred to her as That. Rank. Starlet." It was Dynasty that made her a star!

      I loved that programme - so utterly camp! It would have been a very dull show indeed without Joan. Jx


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