Tuesday 21 December 2021

Icy spears

I have remembered when the winter came,
High in my chamber in the frosty nights,
When in the still light of the cheerful moon,
On the every twig and rail and jutting spout,
The icy spears were adding to their length
Against the arrows of the coming sun

- from Winter Memories by Henry David Thoreau.

Yes, it's Midwinter's Day, the Winter Solstice, the longest night... everything gets better and brighter from this point on.

Or so they say.


  1. Let's hope so - really fed up with Winter - there's only so much cheering a set of well hung fairy lights can do.

    1. The whole of 2021 was grey, and now it's cold and grey... Jx

      PS I perked up at the "well hung" bit, till I realised it was about fairly lights.

    2. I would expect no less... Jx

    3. Well-hung ANYTHINGS. Fairy's lights. Sausage. Dead blokes. It's all how one sees things...

  2. Here's to a peaceful winter. I could use a long snooze.

    1. If certain scaremongers had their way, we'd be in lockdown again with little other choice but to snooze... Jx

  3. I recall my personal 'longest night' - of my life... it was an ill-fated production of The Unsinkable (Unthinkable) Molly Brown - final dress - with oversized set pieces getting stuck in the wings and falling apart on stage, nearly crushing most of the chorus more than once and a giant fish tank with a row boat that really did leak... actors vomiting behind the scenes and onstage because they all got food poisoning having all eaten at the same buffet earlier that day for lunch. It was Waterloo Sunset, it was Waterloo... it was a war there was no winning. Seven hours later and I do believe a carton of Merit 100 Ultra Lites later, we rebirthed the entire thing as drawing room comedy starring a red velvet period sofa that the leads had soiled during post coital abandon. Everyone got fired except me and the music director. Having arrived at the theatre at 5:30 am, I got back to my tiny crappy flat at 3:30 am the next day. I vowed 'never again' - but I was sick puppy and a glutton for punishment...

    1. "The world is a stage,
      The stage is a world of entertainment!"

      Sounds disastrous - but you survived it all, Molly Brown! Jx


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