Sunday 3 April 2022

A most significant...

...Doris Day today!

"I like joy; I want to be joyous; I want to have fun on the set; I want to wear beautiful clothes and look pretty. I want to smile and I want to make people laugh. And that's all I want. I like it. I like being happy. I want to make others happy."

One hundred years ago today, an icon was born.

All hail, Doris Mary Anne Kappelhoff aka Doris Day (3rd April 1922 – 13th May 2019)


  1. Another person, like Betty White, who was concerned about animal welfare and animal rights. That makes her a star in my book.

    1. I wonder how those poodles felt, to be dyed lurid colours with - I assume - food colouring..? Jx

    2. So much for animal welfare!

  2. She was so sweet. And a great big band singer. I never understood her sunshine. I wish I had been born with it. I'd never be cold.

    1. I'm not sure the "real Miss Day" was ever allowed to shine on-screen, despite her own protestations. And, yes! She was a great Big Band singer! Jx

  3. She might have moved on, like Judy doing blackface early in her career, just something she hadn't thought about.

    Or those dogs could have been altered in post production, though given Hollywood wasn't a great place for animal welfare at the time maybe not

    1. It was very early in her career, by the looks of it, when she was still in "the studio system". Who knows? It might have been this very photo-shoot that converted her to "animal rights evangelism". Jx

  4. Every day should be a Doris Day.


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