Sunday 11 April 2021

Here, life is beautiful

Many happy returns, Mr Joel Grey (born Joel David Katz, 11th April 1932)


  1. don't hate me, but I have never watched "cabaret".

    1. [[[Hits the fainting chaise with a bump]]]

      How could you have missed it..? Jx

  2. One of the creepiest, most wonderful performances ever. Surprised there isn't a whole horror genre dedicated to this character. Bob Fosse was a genius when it came to serving up the perverse. You can feel the worms moving in the dirt...

    1. "Serving up the perverse" is just what we want from any artform - and yes, Mr Fosse was a master at it. The more times you watch Cabaret, the more you notice the detail - such as the lady in the Kit Kat Club who is the living embodiment of that famous painting by Otto Dix, or the contrast between the audience reflected in the warped mirror at the beginning of the film, and that at the end (with all those swastikas)...

      It is, without doubt, still my all-time favourite film. Jx

  3. Ja, das Leben ist schoen. Joel Grey war grandois und man muss sich den Film mehrmals ansehen, um alle Details zu sehen.....austriche

    1. I, needless to say, have watched it hundreds of times! Jx


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