Friday 23 April 2021

"Ran her through with a lance, I believe?"

Solomon J. Solomon RA St George, c.1906

Happy Saint George's Day!


  1. Sync'd up again! Just Wednesday, I told someone I was feeling very Fawlty Towers! And we discussed it and Are You Being Served? I miss them both, although Basil has a way of riling up my anxiety. As for St. George! Dirty bastard! Fit for a novel of the romance variety. Enjoy. Kizzes.

    1. Fawlty Towers remains an absolute classic - all the more remarkable for the fact that only twelve episodes were ever made. And I can recite every one of them practically word-for-word!

      By contrast Are You Being Served, in my opinion, went on far too long and ended up becoming more "laughed at" than "laughed with" as a consequence. Jx

  2. It's just as well he died before becoming so legendary. I sat at house party once where a guy was telling another guy about one of my heroic deeds (I beat the crap out of a big neo-Nazi dude and his other two cohorts ran away), but the way this guy was telling it, I beat the crap out of a whole army of them! It was strangely surreal and reinforced my decision to move to a larger pond where I could be a small fry again.

    1. No-one's entirely sure whether he ever really lived, or was merely an amalgam of various legends and stories arising out of the Middle East. Jx

  3. Iconic.
    Fawlty Towers that is not St. George.

    1. Best comedy series ever! Jx

    2. Considering that I've watched the entire series MULTIPLE times, I have to agree with you.


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