Tuesday 20 April 2021

I love...

...a cock-a-too!

click to enlarge

Madame Marzella, Queen of the Feathered World


  1. Replies
    1. Properly groomed and petted, they can be a lifetime's source of entertainment... Jx

  2. Cool picture! I like it as b&w but it would also be cool to see it in color too. I'm guessing her outfit was black, white and gold (or silver) detail. I could say that I sew, but "fabric collector" would probably be a more honest answer. She's one helluva polygamist with all those cocks! The birds often see their human-handlers as their mate and they mate for life.

    1. I'm working on the costume as we speak..:-)

      Without the parrots, of course. Jx

  3. I want to come back as a smart ass parrot. They live long, are colorful and can say whatever they want. I would swear all the time. Especially in the presence of children.


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